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Easy Ways to Avoid Workout Injuries

Working out helps us feel good and live our best lives, so the last thing we want to deal with is an injury that will...

How to Read (and UNDERSTAND) Nutrition Labels

For something people interact with on a near-daily basis, nutrition labels are surprisingly confounding. Reading them...

A Guide to Medicine Balls

Medicine balls have a long history as effective fitness tools. Having evolved far beyond their humble beginnings as a...

Cardio or Strength First?

As you get ready to work out, do you find yourself wondering where to start? Is it best to start with cardio or stren...

Date Night Workout

Getting in shape is more fun with a partner, but can you really blend date night with a solid workout? Absolutely! Wh...

What Time of Day Is Best to Workout?

There is an age-old debate over which time of day is the best for training — morning, afternoon, or night?  What's th...

How to Build a Home Gym on $500 or Less

Let's get real. Obviously, we all dream of a beautiful state-of-the-art home fitness room, complete with high end car...

Travel Fitness: 9 Ways to Stay Fit

Are you one of those people who find it hard to stay healthy and fit while traveling? At some point in our lives, we'...
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