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FAQ: Recumbent Exercise Bikes

Recumbent bikes are a great tool to start or build your cycling routine. The bike’s reclined position helps to suppor...

FAQ: Exercise Bikes

With spin classes sporting snappy names popping up in nearly every major city in America, indoor cycling has experien...

FAQ: Indoor Rowing Machines

Listen closely. Do you hear it? That's the sound of nearly 13 million Americans enjoying the satisfying swoosh sound ...

FAQ: Treadmill Walking

Treadmills are perhaps the most popular kind of personal exercise equipment, and for good reason. They make it possib...

Why are my headphones shocking me?

While running on a treadmill or other fitness equipment, a user can quickly build up a static electric charge. The st...

Top 5 Questions about Home Gyms

Did you know? it is a great time to shop for a strength system for your home! There are more options than ever before...
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