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Vintage Fitness Trends That Are Still Effective

The pursuit of fitness is as old as the hills. From Ancient Greece to Jazzercise, striving for peak health has been a...

Getting Started with Kettlebells

If your workout is starting to feel stale, it might be time to incorporate some new moves. Have you tried kettlebells...

Should Women Lift Weights?

Women who strength train have more confidence, better focus, and increased energy. Weightlifting has been shown to re...

Strength Training Benefits for Aging Bodies

Why Older Adults Should Strength Train Should seniors lift weights? According to scientific research, the answer is g...

Home Gym Under $100: Workout on a Budget

Coronavirus (COVID-19) has reached the US, and you might be concerned. The good news is it can still be contained. Th...

Top 5 Questions about Home Gyms

Did you know? it is a great time to shop for a strength system for your home! There are more options than ever before...
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