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Winter Fitness Tips

As temperatures drop, it's tempting to fall into a kind of hibernation mode, increasing our time spent on couches snu...

New Year’s Fitness Resolutions Got You Down?

Every year we make them, and, sadly, every year we (often) manage to break them. Despite our greatest efforts, our go...

Why Your Weight Doesn’t Really Matter

‌“Start the New Year right by committing to your weight loss goals!” “Summer is around the corner. Make sure your bea...

Set Your 2022 New Years Fitness Resolution

If you’re serious about getting it together in 2022, this New Years resolutions guide is for you. We’re going to brea...

Fitness Resolutions to Consider for the New Year

As 2021 is coming to a close, you are probably thinking about your fitness goals for the new year. It’s important to ...

10 Tips for Fitness Resolutions

We’ve all watched New Year’s resolutions fall by the wayside before we’ve even hit February. No more! This is the yea...

New Year, New You: Fitness Resolutions

How many New Year’s resolutions have you made—and failed? It’s one thing to make resolutions. It’s another thing enti...

Top 10 New Year Fitness Quotes

It’s easy to make New Year fitness goals. But after the ball drops, what’s going to motivate you to stick to your res...

No Fun, No Gain: Making Exercise Fun!

Naturally, we are likely to repeat activities that we enjoy. Our brains are wired that way, and there is no point in ...

Debunking the Diet Myth

It seems like every time a new year rolls around, it is a “resolution” to lose weight and exercise. I challenge you t...
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