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Sun's Out, Guns Out! 

Getting Great Arms for Summer Summer's almost here, and it's time to go back out and show off the bodies we've been w...

Five Minute Energy Boosting Exercises

With so many people working from home — and the trend likely to continue in the coming years — it has become more imp...

Male Hormones and Weight Gain

Most men think they understand the rules around weight loss, diet and exercise — but they often don't understand the ...

Vintage Fitness Trends That Are Still Effective

The pursuit of fitness is as old as the hills. From Ancient Greece to Jazzercise, striving for peak health has been a...

A Guide to Medicine Balls

Medicine balls have a long history as effective fitness tools. Having evolved far beyond their humble beginnings as a...

Getting Started with Kettlebells

If your workout is starting to feel stale, it might be time to incorporate some new moves. Have you tried kettlebells...

Why should you train with a weighted vest?

Maybe you’re looking for a new workout challenge or perhaps you simply want additional equipment for your home gym. H...

Cardio or Strength First?

As you get ready to work out, do you find yourself wondering where to start? Is it best to start with cardio or stren...

Barbells or Dumbbells?

In the past, many considered strength training as only for the young and strong. Misconceptions circulated that hitti...

Should Women Lift Weights?

Women who strength train have more confidence, better focus, and increased energy. Weightlifting has been shown to re...

7 Reasons to do pullups every day

The benefits of pull ups can create amazing, physique changing results. Why should you do pull ups every day? Here ar...

7 Reasons You Should Do Push-Ups Every Day

The push-up is considered a staple to effective workout routines. It’s simple yet effective for building strength.  S...
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