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The Best Treadmill Workouts for Beginners

Having a cardio routine is an important part of any fitness plan.  Good cardiovascular fitness reduces the risk of he...

How Much Weekly Weight Loss?

At some point in your weight loss journey — usually, the beginning — you may wonder about how much weight loss you'll...

Healthy Meals With What You Have On Hand

Cooking tasty healthy meals doesn’t require a trip to the store. With a few kitchen staples and a little creativity, ...

Female Hormones and Weight Gain

How Female Hormones Affect Weight Loss and Fat Storage ‌If you’ve tried every possible diet under the sun and still c...

5 Tips to Get Out of a Training Rut

The benefits of a workout are nearly endless, but it is easy to get stuck in a rut that makes the workout feel like a...

Why Your Weight Doesn’t Really Matter

‌“Start the New Year right by committing to your weight loss goals!” “Summer is around the corner. Make sure your bea...

Why should you train with a weighted vest?

Maybe you’re looking for a new workout challenge or perhaps you simply want additional equipment for your home gym. H...

Treadmill or Elliptical: How Many Calories Burned?

It’s no secret that the advent of binge-watching Netflix and endlessly scrolling through Instagram feeds has caused A...

7 Reasons You Should Do Push-Ups Every Day

The push-up is considered a staple to effective workout routines. It’s simple yet effective for building strength.  S...

A Daily Plan to Lose Weight Fast: Treadmill Walking

There are a few things that challenge us when we start a weight loss journey. First, we know there are many options f...
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