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The Link Between Sleep and Weight Loss

When we don’t get enough sleep, we’re sluggish the next day. We might even make poor choices or have slower responses...

Five Minute Energy Boosting Exercises

With so many people working from home — and the trend likely to continue in the coming years — it has become more imp...

7 Reasons You Should Do Burpees Every Day

Burpees can be challenging, especially if you’ve never done them before. But if you perform burpees every day, even i...

Fit to be in love: a couples workout plan

Do you want to learn an easy way to get in better shape AND improve your relationship? Of course, you do! Let's talk ...

New Year’s Fitness Resolutions Got You Down?

Every year we make them, and, sadly, every year we (often) manage to break them. Despite our greatest efforts, our go...

New Years Resolutions: Avoid these mistakes.

Avoid These Common Fitness Mistakes in your New Year's Resolutions. The beginning of a new year is a chance to start ...

Vintage Fitness Trends That Are Still Effective

The pursuit of fitness is as old as the hills. From Ancient Greece to Jazzercise, striving for peak health has been a...

7 Fundamental Fitness Movements to Master

As you get started on your fitness journey, you may be tempted to jump into strength training or cardio routines. But...

The Benefits of Randomizing Exercises

As with many things in life, it can be easy to fall into a rut with your workout routine. It's natural to gravitate t...

A Guide to Medicine Balls

Medicine balls have a long history as effective fitness tools. Having evolved far beyond their humble beginnings as a...

Cardio or Strength First?

As you get ready to work out, do you find yourself wondering where to start? Is it best to start with cardio or stren...

Get Started with TRX Suspension Training

You may have heard of TRX suspension training, or maybe you saw some odd looking straps dangling in your friend’s hom...
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