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The Best Treadmill Workouts for Beginners

Having a cardio routine is an important part of any fitness plan.  Good cardiovascular fitness reduces the risk of he...

How Much Weekly Weight Loss?

At some point in your weight loss journey — usually, the beginning — you may wonder about how much weight loss you'll...

Is the Gym Safe? What to Ask.

COVID-19 has had an immense impact not just on the framework of our daily lives, but also on our mental health and we...

5 Ways to Make Working Out a Habit

Habits don’t happen overnight. While that means it will take time and effort to form good habits like working out, it...

Winter Fitness Tips

As temperatures drop, it's tempting to fall into a kind of hibernation mode, increasing our time spent on couches snu...

Set Your 2022 New Years Fitness Resolution

If you’re serious about getting it together in 2022, this New Years resolutions guide is for you. We’re going to brea...

Staying Fit for Your Safety

  Most people understand that staying fit and healthy can benefit everything from their heart to their waistline. But...

The Best Home Fitness Equipment for 2022

In the past few years, there has been a massive exodus from the traditional gym model. The combination of public fear...

Do you REALLY need to clean Home Fitness Equipment?

You’ve spent a lot of your hard-earned money on building your personal gym and therefore, you should take care of it ...

Small Steps That Lead to a Healthier You

Health should always be a priority, but it’s easy to lose sight of health goals with the daily grind — especially du...

Why Walking is Beneficial for People With Diabetes

Living with any of the various forms of diabetes causes individuals to adopt healthy lifestyle habits to manage their...

The Top 10 Reasons You Should Have a Home Gym

Going to the gym is a great habit, but sometimes life gets in the way and you just can’t make it there. That’s why it...
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