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The Best Treadmill Workouts for Beginners

Having a cardio routine is an important part of any fitness plan.  Good cardiovascular fitness reduces the risk of he...

How Much Weekly Weight Loss?

At some point in your weight loss journey — usually, the beginning — you may wonder about how much weight loss you'll...

5 Ways to Make Working Out a Habit

Habits don’t happen overnight. While that means it will take time and effort to form good habits like working out, it...

Staying Fit for Your Safety

  Most people understand that staying fit and healthy can benefit everything from their heart to their waistline. But...

How to Use Treadmill Incline

Many avid runners know that treadmills offer the health benefits of running and walking — without having to battle th...

A Daily Plan to Lose Weight Fast: Treadmill Walking

There are a few things that challenge us when we start a weight loss journey. First, we know there are many options f...

FAQ: Treadmill Walking

Treadmills are perhaps the most popular kind of personal exercise equipment, and for good reason. They make it possib...

Fragile to Agile: Working out with Joint Problems

Many of us were high school athletes. And many of us still revel in memories of those days on the field, in the gym, ...

Lose 20 Pounds this month? Stop Right There.

Guest blog written by Devon Kroesche, submitted by Andrew M. Wade, RDN, LDN, founder and owner of Case Specific Nutri...
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