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Jim Bero - Kentucky

“As a former athlete and long time exercise enthusiast, I know first hand that great equipment makes a difference!” F...

Jim Murray - Boston, MA

"It's a privilege to play the game. RUN on and off the field." Jim started at G&G Fitness Equipment in 2021, and ...

Harrison Hunter - West Virginia

"I believe there is a solution to everything, it just takes the right mind set and work ethic to find it." Harrison j...

Jordan Walsman - Indiana

“The only difference between success and failure is the ability to take action.” - Alexander Graham Bell Jordan Wa...

Melanie Phillips - Project Manager

"Just keep swimming." Melanie started at G&G in 2018, and she says she is "Dedicated to maintaining customer sati...

Brett Clouthier, Albany & Eastern New York

"The best investment you can make is investing in your health." Brett played professional hockey for 11 years before ...
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