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Jim Bero - Kentucky

“As a former athlete and long time exercise enthusiast, I know first hand that great equipment makes a difference!”

From the melting pot in Kentucky, Jim operates as the Commercial Account Manager.

Jim started with the G&G Fitness Equipment family in early 2022. Formerly a college athlete, entrepreneur, and father of 3 he strives to bring the best experience to G&G Fitness Equipment customers and facilities. 

“People may forget what you say, people may forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel.”

Jim’s motto represents the essential relationship G&G Fitness Equipment has with its customers and will continue to preserve customer experience! 

Receiving a Masters in Business Administration from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, a Bachelor's degree from Ohio University, and a NASM PT Certification Jim introduces over 18 years of experience in the health and fitness industry. Owning, operating, and consulting facilities from 1,000 to 50,000 sq he has worked with a variety of industries bringing nothing but the best results.

During his free time Jim enjoys being outdoors fishing, coaching football or simply spending some time with his golden retriever. Most importantly, Jim Lives Fit!

Jim offers free in-home and on-site fitness equipment consultations for residential and commercial clients in Kentucky. To schedule a consultation, call Jim at (502)377-8458 or click here to schedule your consultation.

Ready to build the home fitness room of your dreams? 

Request a free consultation here.

What's it like to shop at G&G Fitness Equipment?

If you’re ready to take the next steps in your fitness journey, contact the experts at G&G Fitness Equipment today! Contact your local  G&G Fitness Equipment showroom and let us show you why we are the best specialty fitness equipment retailer in the northeast.


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