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Inspire Smith Cage System


Product image 1Inspire Smith Cage System
Product image 2Inspire SCS Power Rack Cage with Optional Pulleys and Smith Bar Attachment
Product image 3Inspire Smith Cage System
Product image 4Inspire Smith Cage System
Product image 5Inspire Smith Cage System
Product image 6Inspire Smith Cage System
Product image 7Inspire Smith Cage System

Regular price $4,597.00

Inspire Fitness has done it again, introducing the new Smith Cage System.

The Inspire Fitness Smith Cage System offers an array of exercises for the person who is looking for a complete and balanced workout.

SCS Smith Cage System Complete Package Includes:

SCS Power Rack

The Inspire Fitness Power Rack is the newest addition to the Inspire Fitness home gym family. Inspire Fitness Power Rack offers an array of exercises for the person who is looking for a complete and balanced workout.

SCS Smith Option

The Inspire Smith Attachment is exclusively for the SCS Power Rack.

SCS Pulley/Weight Stack/Shrouds Kit

The Inspire SCS-202 Dual Pulley Option is exclusively for the SCS-02 Power Rack. Available in Black/Charcoal, Black/Navy, Black/Burgundy.

SCS Flat/Incline/Decline Bench

The Inspire Fitness SCS Bench offers everything you would want in a home fitness bench. The SCS Bench design allows you to do incline or decline workouts. You can add a leg extension/leg curl attachment as well as a preacher attachment for arm curls. The heavy-duty 2" x 4" oval and 3" round 11 gauge tubular steel frame provides a sturdy and safe feel as you workout. The Electrostatic Powder Coat offers a durable, maintenance free finish so that it continues to look new and stylish in your home.

SCS Smith Cage System Optional Accessories:

SCS-LE Leg Extension/Curl Attachment Kit (option)
The Inspire SCS-LE Leg Extension / Leg Curl Attachment is exclusively for the Inspire SCS-WB Weight Bench and provides a convenient way to perform both leg extensions and lying leg curls.

SCS-PC Preacher Curl Attachment (option)

    The Inspire SCS-PC Preacher Curl Attachment is exclusively for the Inspire SCS-WB Weight Bench and provides a convenient way to perform arm curls.

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