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Gronk Fitness Battle Rope with Sleeve - 30' - Discontinued

Gronk Fitness Products

Product image 1Gronk Fitness Battle Rope with Sleeve - 30' - Discontinued
Product image 2Gronk Fitness Battle Rope with Sleeve - 30' - Discontinued
Product image 3Gronk Fitness Battle Rope with Sleeve - 30' - Discontinued
Product image 4Gronk Fitness Battle Rope with Sleeve - 30' - Discontinued
Product image 5Gronk Fitness Battle Rope with Sleeve - 30' - Discontinued

Regular price $165.99


Train like the pros do with the Gronk Fitness battle ropes and become more explosive.  Battle ropes develop your core stabilizers, develop muscle conditioning and all around muscle growth.  Battle ropes have become a staple for athletic training because of their benefits and easy use.   

  • Heavy Duty Nylon Rope.
  • 30 Feet length, 1.5” thick
  • Aluminum Grips
  • Total weight 20lbs
  • Nylon sleeve prevents fraying
  • Rope should be anchored and used on a smooth surface

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