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Ab Coaster PS500 - Discontinued

The Abs Company

Product image 1Ab Coaster PS500 - Discontinued
Product image 2Ab Coaster PS500 - Discontinued
Product image 3Ab Coaster PS500 - Discontinued
Product image 4Ab Coaster PS500 - Discontinued
Product image 5Ab Coaster PS500 - Discontinued
Product image 6Ab Coaster PS500 - Discontinued
Product image 7Ab Coaster PS500 - Discontinued
Product image 8Ab Coaster PS500 - Discontinued

Regular price $349.00 Sale price $399.00

Ab Coaster® PS500

Benefits of the Ab Coaster® PS500

Achieve well-defined abs with the Ab Coaster® PS500, designed for efficiency and ease of use. This machine engages your entire core, targeting upper abs, lower abs, and obliques with a unique bottom-up motion that reduces neck and back strain. Perfect for all fitness levels, it offers a progressive workout system by allowing weight addition and includes a digital rep counter for tracking progress.

Key Features

  • Effective Core Workout: Engages entire core, including obliques.
  • Unique Motion: Bottom-up movement for optimal muscle engagement.
  • Versatile Use: Suitable for beginners to advanced users.
  • Progressive Resistance: Add weights to increase workout intensity.
  • Compact Design: Fits easily into any home gym setup.
  • User-Friendly: Easy assembly and use, with a smooth gliding motion.


Feature Description
Maximum Weight Capacity 300 lbs
Height Range 5'0" to 6'7"
Built-in Resistance 30 lbs
Additional Weight Capacity Up to 20 lbs
Material Heavy gauge steel
Dimensions 53" L x 27" W x 53" H

Warranty Information

  • Money-Back Guarantee: 30-day return policy.
  • Extended Warranty: 1-year coverage on all parts.

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