Get top dollar for your used gym gear! 💪 Trade in, trade up!

Sarah Dunlap - Fitness Consultant, Buffalo, NY

“If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you. My customers always come first. I want to help them achieve their goals in the most efficient means possible. We are in the business of changing lives and I think my experience is a valuable tool they can use to make the most out of their new equipment. I stay with my customers indefinitely and they feel great knowing I am only a phone call or email away.”

Sarah attended the University of Pittsburgh with a minor in Wellness and Coaching, and Major in Administration of Justice. She is an IFBB Pro Bodybuilding card holder and has ACE Personal Training Certification. Sarah also has 10 years of competitive history in amateur and professional bodybuilding and 19 years of personal training and coaching experience.

Sarah has been with G&G since 2015, and received our 2016 Rookie of the Year Award. She was the NPC National Champion in 2002, where Sarah became the youngest female bodybuilder to earn her pro card in the United States. Sarah was also World Champion at the 2007 Jan Tana Bodybuilding Championships.

What are some of Sarah’s personal favorite fitness activities? She says “Fitness is a journey. I started with gymnastics, track and diving. I moved to weight lifting/sculpting and fell in love. Now that I am older, I have to take care of my joints and my focus is all about yoga.

If you are looking for a world-class fitness consultant who will walk along-side you throughout your fitness journey, stop into the store, or contact Sarah at 412-364-6858 or by email to 

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Request a free consultation here.

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If you’re ready to take the next steps in your fitness journey, contact the experts at G&G Fitness Equipment today! Contact your local  G&G Fitness Equipment showroom and let us show you why we are the best specialty fitness equipment retailer in the northeast.


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