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G&G Fitness Equipment has everything you need to workout in your home, whether you're a beginner or an experienced athlete. We are always available to answer any questions about any fitness tools we carry. You'll find everything from bands and gloves to BOSU trainers and Battle Ropes... MMA to yoga and everything in between. 

The Best Gym Equipment Accessories for Home Use

At G&G Fitness Equipment, we've been doing this a long time — getting people in shape, helping them find the best gym equipment and fitness gear, and doing our part to kickstart and support fitness journeys. But we're still surprised how it's the little things that can make a big difference. That can be because they target muscles that aren't often used, or because they add a level of complexity or muscle confusion. 

Finding the Right Accessories for You

The right accessories can help you balance, help strengthen your core, and help you get toned. Much more than an afterthought, these are some of our favorites.

Resistance Accessories

Resistance exercises are a terrific way to use your body weight differently and productively. These great pieces of gym gear are portable and lightweight and easy to take on the road with you, so your fitness doesn't have to suffer when you go on vacation. You can get a great hotel room workout in with these Level 1 mini resistance bands or, for more intense resistance, these Level 2 mini resistance bands. Depending on how you can use them, you can use them to strengthen your back, your arms, hips, or core. 

For a more intense workout, you can't go wrong with the TRX Sweat System, which can help you with strength, cardio, recovery, or core-focused training. You can set it up quickly and easily and get real results from only seven simple movements:

  • Push
  • Pull
  • Plank
  • Lunge
  • Hinge
  • Squat
  • Rotate

Sounds simple, but you can be guaranteed you'll get as much as you put in. Resistance accessories like the TRX can help you maintain a full range of joint motion and strengthen the muscles that stop you from getting back pain, for example. Resistance accessories are, therefore, very good things to have in your arsenal.

Balance Fitness Accessories

Balance is very important. Particularly as we get older and want to minimize the chances of nasty falls, exercises that strengthen our core, glutes, and hamstrings are key. Something like the Bosu Balance Trainer, used while doing weight training exercises, ups the challenge factor significantly. There are dozens of exercises it can augment — including situps and crunches, jumping exercises, and bicep curls. It's versatile: You can flip it over, do certain yoga poses on it, and use it for plyometric drills to build endurance and flexibility. The Bosu Balance Trainer can give you a surprisingly challenging workout, while you find your center of gravity. Like all the accessories on this page, it's small and handy but adds a lot to your workout routine. 

Similarly, the Jasmine Fitness Blue Balance Cushion is handy, versatile, and easily adjusted to your challenge level. It fosters better balance and joint stabilization, strengthens and tones core muscles, and encourages excellent posture. However, if you're looking to recover from injury or increase your coordination skills and strengthen your vulnerable-to-pain-and-injury lower back, try the Element Fitness Balance Pad. You can even layer two of them to increase the "wobble effect." That may sound funny but balance is serious business, with falls resulting in hospital stays for too many Americans every year. Investing in a balance accessory from G&G could save you years of problems down the line. The Element Fitness Pad also does double duty as a swimming float. 

Jump Ropes

When it comes to home fitness equipment, nothing works up a sweat, strengthening your core and giving you a great all-around workout or warmup than a good, old-fashioned jump rope. It's another lightweight accessory that's so much more than just an accessory. It can be the entrée to a boxing workout or an intense cardio workout on its own. Jumping is good for the lymphatic system and gets your heart rate up, too, while toning and improving bone strength.

What are you waiting for? Grab a Ball Bearing Adjustable Cable Speed Rope, an XM Fitness Aluminum Cable Speed Rope, or a Gronk Fitness Speed Rope today, and get into fighting shape. A jump rope's a great piece of equipment for when you want to take your workout outdoors, too. You don't need expensive gym equipment to get a great workout.

Core and Abs Accessories

You may not enjoy using the FIT505 Deluxe Double Ab Wheel, but you will see results. The ab wheel is simple to use: You just grab the handles and roll it out and back toward you. But that simple act can strengthen your core and work every major upper body muscle group. We highly recommend the ab wheel if you're looking to get into beach shape fast.

Weighted Accessories

If you're looking to add a bit more challenge to your workout without adding a lot of weight, you'll be surprised how much extra difficulty can be added with the smallest of weights in the right places. You can use ankle weights, weighted vests, and our nifty and weighted Workout Bar — all add difficulty to circuit training, cardio, and HIIT workouts.

Recovery Accessories

If you've ever had sore muscles after a workout or just felt stressed and wondered how to get glorious relief, you've probably thanked your stars for your foam roller. Foam rollers are worth their weight in gold but fortunately are made out of foam, which provides enough firmness but also cushioning to give your muscles and myofascial tissue sweet relief. You can also use them to warm up and prevent injury. 

The Hyperice Vyper 2.0 offers high-intensity vibration at three different speeds to be 2x as effective as regular foam rolling to effectively warm up and recover, and improve your flexibility and circulation. If you want to keep it old-school, try the Element Fitness Core 13" Foam Roller or the awesome Element Fitness Acupressure Balls.

More Accessories To Explore

We have a world of other awesome accessories and gear for your home gym, like gloves for lifting weights, pilates balls, stability balls, aerobic steppers, accessories for treadmill or elliptical use, and many others.

Whether you're looking to enhance your workout and make it injury-proof or more difficult — or looking for a great piece of simple equipment to make the centerpiece of a portable, challenging, and fun workout — G&G has the accessories for you. Check us out today or call one of our highly-educated reps. We aim to get you in your best shape, ever.

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