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G&G Fit Pick: Cybex 525AT


Every week, one of our expert team members makes a recommendation of one of their favorite products and explains why they recommend it to their clients and friends!

This week, Tim Garbach recommends the Cybex 525AT!

"I’m getting old, and I’m getting rickety," says Tim. "That is a dangerous combination for someone looking to burn fat. Think about it. Burning fat requires repetitive motion. The right repetitive motion will get you there safely and you can do it for the long-haul. The wrong repetitive motion gets you hurt, discouraged, and then fat! Getting a dripping sweat on is an absolute must but not at the expense of my joints!  And that is why the Cybex Arc Trainer is by far, one of the safest  pieces of cardio on the market!"

Tim goes on, to break down a few facts:

"The golden rule for knee health is while standing, never let your knee come forward passed the mid-line of your foot.  It is physically impossible for your knee to go past the foot mid-line when normally using the Arc.

"The golden rule of hip health is to not bear weight standing on the heel while it is rearward of (behind) your hip girdle. The Arc Trainer makes sure this doesn’t happen.

"SSF or same-side-forward is a movement used by physical therapists to eliminate back torsion (twisting). The arc trainer uses SSF. When the right arm goes forward, so does the right leg."

Tie it all together so far. Superior biomechanics and more work equal more fat burn.

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*Some restrictions may apply. While supplies last. See store for details. May not be combined with any other offers or discounts.

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  • The Best Homework Writing Services health is to not bear weight standing on the heel while it is rearward of (behind) your hip girdle. The Arc Trainer makes sure.

    The Best Homework Writing Services

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